Resorts World Bimini, Bimini Island
Save The Bays has represented several community action groups in cases where, in defiance of the law, locals were neither consulted nor in-formed about large-scale developments slated for their communities. One such case was on the tiny island of Bimini, a fabled diving and sport fishing mecca that inspired Ernest Hemingway’s “Islands in the Stream”.
Filing on behalf of the local organization Bimini Blue Coalition, STB’ legal team took a case to the highest courts, twice gaining audience at the Privy Council in London demonstrating that, lacking proper permits, Malaysia-based conglomerate Genting dredged a huge swathe of seabed, damaging or destroying some of the most pristine and ecologically significant reefs in the region. Though a local judge eventually overturned the Privy Council’s decision, the ‘Battle for Bimini’ set the stage for unprecedented victories to come.