Winding Bay Resort, Little Harbour,
Abaco Island
The residents are bravely resisting an attempt by the Winding Bay Resort to construct a large marina and several on-land structures which will completely alter the nature of this small, picturesque settlement of 50 solar powered homes, the only completely carbon-free community in the Bahamas. The project is proceeding without consultation as required by law and without any respect for the locals.
STB launched legal proceedings on behalf of our community partner, Responsible Development for Abaco, but these have been hampered by the government and developer’s conspiratorial applications for ‘security for costs’, which would require the locals to put up a quarter of a million dollars before the court even considers their case. STB has vowed to fight against this move – essentially an attempt to put the price of justice beyond the grasp of regular Bahamians – all the way to the Privy Council in London if necessary.
